Haines Veterans Memorial Convention Center and attracted casino gambling to Massachusetts

A state senator is announcing a new idea to do both at the same time, by transforming Haines into a gambling mecca in central Boston.

“If we’re really going to maximize the Commonwealth’s bottom line, why don’t we have a casino in Hines?” said state Senator Michael W. Morrissey, co-chair of the Government Regulatory Commission, which has authority over gambling-related legislation. “You can get more money out of this one idea, just once, and they can run in a year.”

“The state will be able to sell Heinz cars and casino licenses to the highest bidder, which will help the state deal with its financial difficulties,” said Morrissey, a Quincy Democrat. Casino operators will probably take the opportunity, but this will mean a major change in the nature of one of Boston’s richest regions, and Morrissey said the idea will have to be approved by Boston voters.

Morrissey, however, said the proposal could work because of a budget shortfall and a great reluctance to discuss new taxes. Morrissey said selling Hines car and casino licenses would net the state more than $500 million, and would also add tax revenue from gambling.

“He said Haynes’ vast floor space would easily accommodate casinos, and with a new convention center set to open in South Boston next June, some lawmakers said the state should probably offer the most expensive properties. Hotels and restaurants that typically surround casinos are already there,” Morrissey said. “The city would benefit greatly from a portion of the tax, as well as the jobs that casinos would create.”

In addition, Aquina’s Wampanoag Tribe of Aquinas, the only federally recognized Indian tribe in the state, in Martha’s Vineyard, continues to search for casino sites in southeastern Massachusetts. However, even with a site deal, the tribe will need state approval before opening a casino. 슬롯게임

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