Thanks to his Lotto Max ticket, the former soldier is now

CA$6,500,000,000 richer and plans to donate much of his major prize money to charity.

There are two Lotto Max draws every Tuesday and Friday. Participants in the draw-based game will have the opportunity to win a huge main prize, or each will receive a Maxmillion prize worth CA$1 million, depending on the draw. The game is a fan favorite for many lottery players because the jackpot can reach 70 million Canadian dollars.

Mr. Ng is the latest person to join the Canadian Lotto Millionaires Club as the winner of the Lotto Max game was drawn on July 6. The former army says he often buys tickets at Marina Express Mart on Leslie Street in Sharon, Ontario, while playing Pokemon Go.

The winner said he heard someone from the York area had won a big $65 million jackpot, but he didn’t guess it could be him. After checking his ticket at the ticket office, he thought the machine was malfunctioning and checked it on Crown’s official lottery app, but the display showed a “Big Winner” message.

In addition, the winner said he wanted to spend the money responsibly, and he discussed the victory with his pastor. He plans to use the money to support charities and find new ways to set up new non-profit organizations. His wish is to help fellow veterans who have similarly suffered physical or mental injuries.

Mr. Ng explained that he plans to treat himself with a new electric car without doing much else. He explained that winning will not change him and that he will remain the same person who cuts his hair and gives blood every two months. The winner also encouraged everyone not to lose hope despite the situation and that we will never know that there will be tomorrow.

a previous award-winning film
Last week, the British Columbia Lottery Company also revealed the identity of a CA$35 million winner from the Lotto Max game. Van is retired trucker Gary Hill is the next Lotto millionaire, as his ticket is one of two winners of the June 22 Lotto Max Jackpot. Both tickets will hit the $70 million jackpot.

Another recent Lotto Max winner and current Lotto millionaire is Grover Adams from Kirkland Lake. The 41-year-old man was drawn as the winner of the main prize in the April 20 draw. The winner pocketed a whopping CA$15 million and now plans to enjoy a stress-free future, retire earlier, and go on many fishing trips. 슬롯

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