“I hope we all do well.”

Changwon LG is the team with the most solid roster in the KBL. There is no clear ace, but anyone listed on the entry can do their bit on the court.

The roster is so solid that every game is a competition. Competition is natural in professional sports, but it is hard to find a team as fierce as LG. Among them, positions 2 and 3 have neither a clear starting line nor a bench.

In the process, Lee was confined to LG’s jewelry box for a long time. The rookie of the week, who was trusted under the Cho Sung-won regime, was quickly forgotten under the Cho Sang-hyun regime.

Lee Seung-woo played in as many as 41 games in the 2021-22 season when he was a rookie, scoring 7.0 points, 4.2 rebounds, and 1.5 assists for an average of 21 minutes and 24 seconds. As the best all-around player since he was a freshman in college, he perfectly performed various roles that coach Cho Sung-won wanted.

The highlight was the match against Samsung in Seoul on Feb. 12, 2022. Lee played full-time for 40 minutes, scored 19 points, 10 rebounds, and seven assists, and showed triple-double performance.

If the evaluation of his versatility was the light, there was also a shadow. His lack of shooting ability and poor understanding of defense hampered him. With Cho Sang-won leaving and Cho Sang-hyun coming, LG became a defense-focused team. In other words, if his understanding of defense was lacking, he would not have been given the time to play. Lee faced the biggest crisis here.

Lee played an average of 15 minutes and 22 seconds during 25 games in the 2022-23 season. This is a significant drop from when he was a rookie. However, he played in only four games as of 2023 in the 2023-24 season, and was given no more opportunities. As Lee Kwan-hee, Justin Gutang, and rookie Yoo Ki-sang joined the team, he had no choice but to stand on the ground.

In addition, coach Cho Sang-hyun stressed that Lee Seung-woo’s shooting and defense should be supplemented. While acknowledging his talent, he also said that if he wants to play in the first division, he must compensate for his weaknesses.

Lee Seung-woo, who was the best in the D-League, is the best player in the league. In the match against Sangmu on the 4th, he recorded 28 points, 18 rebounds, 11 assists and 3 steals including three three-point shots, and achieved his second triple-double (based on the D-League). Then, he joined the main league again and had an opportunity in the match against Hyundai Mobis in Ulsan.

Lee had 10 points, two rebounds, and one assist and two block shots in 10 minutes and 40 seconds. The double-digit score came on the 426th day since the game against Korea Gas Corporation in Daegu (10 points) on Nov. 6, 2022. Hyundai Mobis was very embarrassed and eventually collapsed. LG was also able to change the mood thanks to Lee Seung-woo, who appeared on the verge of losing two consecutive games.

In a telephone interview with MK Sports, Lee said, “I can’t even remember when I played for more than 10 minutes (laughs). I think it’s been a long time. I’ve been preparing for it. From (Lee) Kwan-hee, (Jung) Hee-jae, and (Han) Sang-hyeok, they advised me that it’s important to prepare to catch the opportunity someday. I had a hard time with my body and mind, but as I endured it, the day has come like the match against Hyundai Mobis.”

“I would have lied if I didn’t feel sorry for not having the chance. It is also true that I lacked that much. That’s why I was able to become stronger. If I show my support to LG, I think my playing time will naturally increase. For now, I’m just trying to think about what I can do,” he added.

Lee is a smart player. The play itself is smart, but I knew exactly what coach Cho Sang-hyun wanted. “Internal competition is important, but I need to know what I need to do in the end. I know what the coach (Cho Sang-hyun) wants from me, and if I can do that on the court, I believe that coexistence is possible, not competition. There are many ways. In the end, it is up to me. I need to increase my strengths and play basketball that the coach seeks to increase my playing time.”

He was Lee Seung-woo, who had a great day. When he was on the court, Changwon fans welcomed him with huge cheers. Lee was more than happy to see the forgotten promising player return to the court. Lee reportedly choked up when he saw such fans.

“When I got replaced and went to the court, a lot of people applauded me. I got emotional at the time. And I felt sorry. I didn’t even play well. I received a lot of support. Some fans believed that I was okay even when I got off work. I feel like I can continue to play without giving up because of those people. From now on, I have more days to play and I can show better performances. From now on, it is more important,” Lee said.

Lee also sent a special message. He expressed his gratitude to his teammates in the D-League who have been with him for a long time. “Good things kept happening, starting with triple-doubles in the D-League. I may have done well, but I would not have achieved them if my teammates did not help me. Maybe that’s why. I remember my teammates in the D-League who were with me for a long time. I am trying so hard in an invisible place. I hope we all do well,” he said.

Finally, Lee Seung-woo said, “All the time I spend in the professional league is always meaningful and helpful to me. But there is no guarantee that everything will turn out well. And I think hard times come for everyone. There were a lot of difficulties, but I think I gained strength through the match against Hyundai Mobis. I will continue to run without giving up.”


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