Okanan casino workers return to the negotiating table

The union, representing about 675 striking casino workers in the Okanagan area, is scheduled to resume negotiations with casino management . The new adjustment date is set exactly a week after employees at the four Gateway casinos voted in favor of the strike action.

The recent announcement by the BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) has raised new hopes of resolving one of the many labor conflicts that have emerged across Canada over the past few months. The union represents 675 casino workers at Cascade Casino in Penticton and Camloops, Playtime Casino in Kelowna and Lake City Casino in Vernon. Last week, a union vote was held, 88 percent of employees at these facilities voted for strike action, with a majority of 93.1 percent, it said.

Negotiations between BCGEU and four casino operators in the Okanagan Valley, Gateway Casino and Entertainment, broke down . The main issue that both sides couldn’t agree on was wages. Gateway said the union’s offer was an average wage increase of 62 percent, while increases in some positions were 80 percent. The company said it was shocked by such a proposal and was very disappointed by the workers’ decision to take strike action. Tanya Gabara, Gateway’s public relations director, said the 60-80 pay rise was “not reasonable for any business.”

But the union disagrees with the company’s assessment and says significant wage increases are needed to bring employees to “industrial standards.” According to BCGEU Chairman Stephanie Smith, some workers at the four gateway casinos receive a minimum wage and raise salaries is simply to maintain the level of a government-planned minimum wage increase. 카지노사이트

Hopes to resolve disagreements
Gateway said it could ask the Labor Relations Commission for coordination to reach an agreement with the union with help. Striking workers and BCGEU members rallied outside the offices of the British Columbia Lottery Company (BCLC). They filed a petition with the Crown Agency demanding that they intervene in a disagreement with the casino operator. The BCLC, however, said it was an agency responsible for game management in British Columbia but could not intervene in labor-related conflicts.

Workers urged the BCLC to take action and ensure fairness in the industry. According to them, they deserve the same wages that casino workers earn in other parts of the country. In addition, they did not receive respect from customers and their employers, Gateway Casino and Entertainment. Commenting on the adjustment scheduled for Friday, the company said it was committed to having “respectful discussions” with the union. The operator hopes to reach a “reasonable and responsible” agreement on both sides.

Currently, four casinos in the Okanagan Valley operate with workers who have decided to quit their jobs if necessary. Their last collective contract expired last fall, and since then, the union has been working to negotiate better terms for its members. Gateway said in a statement that many things are at stake in the Okanagan area. The company reminded in its most pleasant way that the strike at Coquitlam’s Hard Rock Casino is still continuing without reaching a settlement than , the early days of the strike. Meanwhile, the company says Caesars Windsor has been closed for two months due to a worker strike, and while too much time has passed, workers there have failed to negotiate better than they were initially offered.

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