Also refers to pitching more than six innings and less than three earned runs.

This standard becomes ambiguous in KT Wiz. This is because if he played only six innings, somehow he seemed to come down the mound a little early. As such, it is common for starting pitchers to keep the mound for more than six innings.

KT manager Lee Kang-chul said, “Starting pitchers lead long innings,” referring to the team’s recent rise, starting with praise from the starting pitchers who dominate the game. He even joked, “If the starter throws only six innings, it looks like an early steel plate.”

Players are also aware of this. KT Ko Young-pyo, who has achieved 15 QS+ (more than 7 innings and less than 3 earned runs) this year, said, “(In our team) 6If you can’t throw the inning, you can’t throw it. The juniors (to me) said, “My brother made it like that,” smiling, “It seems like a good synergy effect.” “If pitchers throw long innings with as few pitches as possible, I think the team can continue to go up,” he said.

KT’s QS this season is second after Kiwoom Heroes (57 times) with a total of 46 times. QS+, which has more than seven innings and less than three earned runs, maintains the top spot with 26 times.

It is even more surprising if it is considered only after June when KT rebounded. During this period, QS came out of 32 out of 55 games played by KT. QS+ was also written 18 times.

In terms of this period alone, KT is by far the top among 10 clubs in QS and QS+.

KT’s most powerful weapon has been its solid starting lineup.

This season, KT’s starting rotation, consisting of Wes Benjamin, William Cuevas, Ko Young-pyo, Bae Je-sung and Um Sang-baek, boasts the highest level in the league.

However, this year, he had to go through many twists and turns before recovering such a stable starting lineup.

Benjamin showed great ups and downs at the beginning of the season, and the newly recruited Boschleser fell short of expectations. Cho Hyung-joon, a native ace from the Rookie of the Year, was out for the season due to elbow surgery.

KT, which has begun to reorganize, released Schleser and recruited Cuevas, who led the team to its first championship in 2021, as a substitute. In the place where So Hyung-joon left, Bae Je-sung, who moved to the bullpen this year, was seated again.

Coach Lee said, “With the arrival of Cuevas, turning points have been prepared,” adding, “It seems that there is even an invisible synergy effect.” “As Cuevas came in and the rotation went well, other pitchers seem to have stabilized and the burden has been reduced,” he said.

KT also showed its strength again as it regained its strong starting rotation. Thanks to this, KT’s ranking, which had been hovering in the lower ranks for two months after the opening, also began to rise vertically.

KT, which ranked 10th until June 4, has advanced to third place as of the 16th. As it is closely chasing the second-place SSG Landers by one game, it is also on the verge of entering the “second round.”

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